
Studying Spanish opens the door for you to excel at a major international language. With more than 400 million speakers globally, Spanish is the third most spoken language in the world. Spanish is a language rich in literature, significant in international affairs and trade and, in the Australian context, a vibrant community language with close to 120,000 speakers.
Like English, Spanish has an Indo-European origin, so is readily accessible to English speakers.
Through studying Spanish at ANU, you will develop the skills necessary to communicate and function in Spanish in a wide range of environments. You also will become familiar with culture and society in Latin America and Spain, developing an understanding of linguistic, social, political, economic and cultural issues.
Students can begin their Spanish major or minor at any level, and those with a background in Spanish can take a more specialised minor, in Advanced Hispanic Culture or Advanced Hispanic Linguistics.
Students are encouraged to study in Spain or Latin America at one of our partner universities, and can apply for an Ethel Tory Scholarship to help you study and travel overseas while you are a student at ANU.
The ANU Spanish program has achieved national recognition for its success in enhancing learning. In 2012 it received a national award from the Office of Learning and Teaching.
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Degree programs
You can also study Spanish within other degrees. For details check Programs and Courses.