Australian place nicknames search

Nicknames for Australian Placenames - Header

The 2019 ANDC annual appeal asked for the nicknames of Australian places: the informal names we use for our regions, cities, towns, and suburbs. As well as supplementing our database, these appeals will help us identify possible new entries for the Australian National Dictionary (AND). You can search the resulting nicknames database below, and also read about the results.

Searching the database

You can search for a nickname by typing it in the first search field. You can also use this search field to type in the formal placename to see if we have recorded any nicknames for it. The second field allows you to filter the results by state or territory.

If you would like to add a nickname, please use our Word Box to submit it (including the state/territory location and any other information you would like to add).


Search by nickname, city, town or district name
Filter by State or Territory
Place name Nickname State / Territory
New South Wales Newcastle, Sydney and Wollongong NSW
Northern Beaches Sydney GCOE NSW
Northern Beaches Sydney Plumbers by Sea NSW
Sydney Big Smoke NSW
Sydney Dubbo by the Sea NSW
Sydney Emerald City NSW
Sydney Harbour City NSW
Sydney Shithole NSW
Sydney Shitney NSW
Sydney Sidneyland NSW
Sydney Sin City NSW
Sydney Steak and Kidney NSW
Sydney Sydders NSW
Sydney Sydeney NSW
Sydney Sydnalidadingdong NSW
Sydney Syds NSW
Sydney World's Biggest Theme Park NSW
Sydney Northern Beaches God's country NSW
Sydney Northern Beaches insular peninsula NSW

Updated:  19 October 2017/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications