W.H. Downing's Digger Dialects

W.H. Downing's Digger Dialects
Author/editor: J.M. Arthur & W.S. Ramson
Published in (Monograph or Journal): Historical Monographs
Year published: 1990


Ed. J.M. Arthur and W.S. Ramson. Oxford University Press, 1990. 257 pages. ISBN 0 19 553233 3

W.H. Downing's Digger Dialects was first published in 1919. The words and phrases used by Australian Service personnel were recorded `live' in 1919 by Downing, and are presented in this new edition with editorial comments and additions by J.M. Arthur and W.S. Ramson. It is enhanced by almost 100 illustrations, drawn from field or troopship magazines, providing something of the spirit and flavour of the times.

Updated:  7 October 2024/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications