Grave Stele - 1978.01

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White crystalline marble, looking like poorer-quality Pentelic. There is incrustation on the surface around the bottom and at the upper left.

The scene has a seated woman at the left, dressed in chiton and himation and with her left hand by her head. She holds her right hand forward to a little girl standing at her knee. Facing her to the right stands another woman, also wearing chiton and himation.

The figures are carved in shallow relief with simple grooves for the folds of the drapery. There are some slight traces of red paint at the bottom of the scene. The entablature must also have been painted. The acroteria are roughly shaped and the front face left smooth. The pedimental area is left slightly rough. The top of the stele is left rough and the marks of the punch are clearly visible; the bottom is treated similarly. The sides are trimmed with the claw chisel to a depth of about 8cm from the face although the stele varies in thickness from ca 8cm on one side to ca 16cm on the other. There is relatively little below the figure-panel and part of that area is used for the inscription:



            Ἀκεσάνδρο γύνη Μυρτώ Ἀπολλοδώρο

           Θυγατέρες Καλλισταρέτη Καλλιθάλεια

“Myrto, wife of Akesandros, daughter of Apollodoros; (her) daughters Kallistarete, Kallithaleia.”

Updated:  8 July 2020/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications