Malcolm Gillies

Malcolm Gillies

Position: Emeritus Vice Chancellor of City University London, alumnus of Latin, Greek and Classics

School and/or Centres: School of Literature, Languages and Linguistics

My parents, perhaps like yours, worried that I had “wasted” my talents by studying languages:  Latin and Greek, and Classical literature with a concentration on rhetoric.  But my four wonderful undergraduate years, at ANU, were centred on what I wanted to do.  What did I gain?  Well, for a start, more confidence in independent thinking.  Later, I also studied Classical music, which taught me to listen much more perceptively.  In today’s crazy world a bit of careful listening and thinking can take you a long way!  I thank my dedicated teachers at ANU and King’s College London for that.

Updated:  20 May 2019/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications