Evaluating workplace relationships in the Homeric Iliad: bringing together digital approaches and social and cognitive theory

Evaluating workplace relationships in the Homeric Iliad: bringing together digital approaches and social and cognitive theory

In this paper I bring together a cluster of verbal behaviours in the Homeric Iliad, a recent psychological study of four interrelated modes of communication in the workplace (the Responsibility Exchange Theory), and DICES, the Digital Initiative for Classics: Epic Speeches. I draw on the DICES database as a quantitative search tool and assess its capacity as a qualitative starting point for a study of how the poet depicts certain critical social interactions in the epic. My interest in a project such as this is, as always, in learning more about what makes a good story good—from the perspective of not only the storyteller but also the audience.

Date & time

Wed 01 May 2024, 3.15–4.15pm


Room 1.23, Research School of Social Sciences


Emeritus Professor Elizabeth Minchin, ANU


Tatiana Bur


Updated:  19 April 2024/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications