Homer and the Epic Tradition (Homer Seminar IX)

Homer and the Epic Tradition (Homer Seminar IX)
François Perrier: Aeneas and his companions fighting the Harpies (1646)

Homer and the Epic Tradition

(Homer Seminar IX)

Monday 4 and Tuesday 5 December 2017, ANU

This ninth iteration of the Homer Seminar, to be held at The Australian National University, Canberra, is intended to give Australasian scholars--especially (but not only) postgraduates and early-career researchers--interested in the epic traditions of the ancient Greek and Roman world, and possibly even beyond, an opportunity to test out ideas, methodologies, and findings in a supportive environment, and to maximise the possibility of constructive feedback. The focus of the seminar will be the great epics of the ancient world and their afterlife.

Homer and the Epic Tradition IX Programme (681KB PDF)

Homer and the Epic Tradition IX Informational Flyer (134KB PDF)

Speakers, please note that you will need to bring copies of any handouts with you. We suggest 40 copies.


Further details

Length of papers: Each paper should take no more than 25 minutes to deliver. Twenty minutes will be given for discussion. If you wish to pre-circulate your paper electronically, please send to Fiona.sweet-formiatti@anu.edu.au.

Seminar dinner: Monday, 4 December at Muse, 69 Canberra Avenue. Please see conference program for further details, including for payment.

Duration: It is proposed that the first session of the seminar will begin on Monday morning at 9.00am and that the seminar will conclude in the early afternoon on Tuesday, to allow participants to return home that day.

Location: The seminar, in a break from tradition, will be held in the Roland Wilson Building on the ANU campus (close to the Academy of Science and the National Film and Sound Archive).

Registration: There is no registration fee payable for what will be a small and more or less informal gathering. We shall, however, ask you to pay $30 on arrival, which will cover a picnic lunch on Monday and which will make some contribution to all morning and afternoon teas, and drinks at the end of the day. 

Accommodation: As for accommodation, you have a choice: a room in University House, an apartment in Liversidge Court, a room in one of the university colleges on campus or at Fenner Hall on Northbourne Avenue (some distance from the campus).

Convenors: James O’Maley, Elizabeth Stockdale, Fiona Sweet Formiatti, Elizabeth Minchin

Conference host:

Centre for Classical Studies

School of Literature, Languages and Linguistics

The Australian National University

Acton ACT 2601 Australia

Date & time

Mon 04 Dec 2017, 9am – Tue 05 Dec 2017, 2pm


Sir Roland Wilson Building #120, Australian National University


Fiona Sweet-Formiatti


Updated:  30 November 2017/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications