Scholarship For Research in Greece During 2023

Scholarship For Research in Greece During 2023
Monday 10 October 2022

The ANU (Canberra) Friends of the Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens, supported by the Hellenic Club of Canberra, is offering a scholarship for research in Greece in 2023!

General Information

  1. Purpose: The purpose of the scholarship is to assist a local scholar whose research requires a period in Greece.
  2. Areas of research:
    The archaeology, history, literature and art of Ancient, Byzantine or Post-Byzantine Greece. Modern Greek studies including history, literature, and art. Areas of research providing assistance to the AIAA's research projects in Greece.
  3. Eligibility: Applicants must be Australian citizens or permanent residents of Australia.
    Applicants must also be either students, graduates or staff of tertiary educational institutions in the Australian Capital Territory, or persons resident in the Australian Capital for at least two years at the time of applying for the scholarship.

    An applicant should normally possess a university degree at Honours level, or equivalent. More senior scholars are not excluded provided they can show that research time in Greece is essential to their studies.
  4. Value of the scholarship: The basic grant shall be the equivalent of a return excursion airfare Canberra-Athens plus a contribution up to a maximum of $4,000 towards living and research expenses.
  5. Duration of the scholarship: The scholarship may be held for a minimum period of 2 months and a maximum of 12 months.
  6. Conditions: The scholarship should be taken up in 2023.
    The scholarship shall be paid in full before departure. When in Athens the recipient should reside in the Institute Hostel, and pay the prescribed student rate.
    Honours and post-graduate students must have a supervisor for their research on a formally approved topic and, if possible, an associate supervisor in Greece during their stay there.
    The successful applicant shall undertake to acknowledge formally the assistance received from the ANU (Canberra) Friends, from the AAIA, and from the Hellenic Club of Canberra, in any resulting published work. If that publication is concerned in any way with the excavations conducted by the Institute the permission of the Director must be obtained before the text is submitted for publication.
  7. Duties connected with the activities of the Institute: While the main purpose of the scholarship is to assist the recipient in conducting research in Greece, the Institute expects that the successful candidate will in turn assist the Institute by joining in its activities in Greece.
  8. Responsibilities: Administratively the recipient of the scholarship will be responsible to the Director or the Deputy Director of the Institute and through them to the Council of the AAIA.
    While the successful candidate will be free, and indeed encouraged, to work in a way that best suits them, the recipient nevertheless is a representative of the Institute and of Australia in a foreign country and must refrain from acting in a way which may offend the sensibilities of the host country and its people, or which may damage the good relations of the Institute with the authorities.
  9. Administrative assistance: While in Greece the successful candidate will receive assistance from the Institute, and more particularly through the Athens office, on such matters as temporary residence in Greece, permission to use libraries and to study in museums, etc.
  10. Selection: The Selection Committee is a sub-committee of the Executive Committee of the ANU (Canberra) Friends of the Institute and shall comprise:
    The Vice President of the ANU (Canberra) Friends of the AAIA, who shall be the convener of the Selection Committee; the ANU representative on the Council of the AAIA (or their nominee from the Executive Committee); and at least one member of the Executive Committee nominated by that Committee at the time the scholarship is advertised.
    The Director of the AAIA shall be a member of the Selection Committee ex officio.
    The Selection Committee shall seek advice as it sees fit; it shall make a recommendation to the Committee of the ANU (Canberra) Friends of the AAIA which shall make the final decision. The Executive Committee reserves the right not to award a scholarship if in its opinion no application meets the required standards.
  11. Submission of application: Application is via email. Address to Peter Londey, Vice President, and Cc Elizabeth Minchin, President, of the Canberra FAAIA, on behalf of the Selection Committee. Additionally, the applicant should request the referees write directly to Peter Londey (Cc Elizabeth Minchin) regarding the applicant’s research ability and personal qualification. The addresses are:
  12. Closing date: The closing date for applications is Friday 18 November 2022.


For Infomration on how to apply see the below PDF file


Updated:  14 October 2022/Responsible Officer:  Head of School/Page Contact:  CASS Marketing & Communications